Jay Odjick on Illustration, Language Preservation, & Spectacularly Bad Advice

A short interview with author, illustrator and television producer Jay Odjick.

I first became aware of Jay on Twitter, through his wonderful series of Algonquin Word of the Day tweets in which he provides an illustrated word in the Algonquin language. Jay is an Algonquin artist from the Kitigan Zibi community in Quebec. Go find him right now on Twitter @JayOdjick

I sat down over Skype with Jay to talk about his latest success, which is his second illustration collaboration with popular children’s author Robert Munsch.

You can access this podcast on either Soundcloud, RadioPublic, Stitcher, the Apple podcasts app, or the Google Podcast app. You can find individual episodes through my own website at www.jkdegen.com/, and @bookroompod on Twitter. If you have suggestions for stories I might want to cover, you can reach out on Twitter or by e-mail at bookroom14@yahoo.com.

Image of the Algonquin Word of the Day courtesy Jay Odjick Shop.

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